
What is BPOM?
BPOM (Indonesian: Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan) is National Agency of Drug and Food Control who responsible for protecting public health through the control and supervision of prescription and over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs (medications), vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, food safety, traditional medicine and cosmetics.
What is Distribution Permit?
A Permit issued by BPOM to ensure that the product is safe for use by consumers and legally marketed.

Why So We Need Distribution Permits?
- To improve brand image.
- To ensure product safety.
- To increase competitiveness.
- Prices of products that have a distribution permit are more stable. to penetrate into a wider market.
How do I Get a Distribution License?
- Determine the type and category of products to be registered (e.g cosmetics, supplements, food, imported or domestic).
- Prepare company legality documents.
- Prepare product technical data.
Register companies and products at BPOM as shown below.

What are The Registration Requirements?
Requirements vary depending on the type and category of product. The following is an example of the requirements for imported dietary supplement products.
- Letter of Appointment issue by manufacturer.
- Certificate of Free Sale issue by authorized agency in the country of origin.
- Laboratory analysis results.
For complete requirements Click Here
Can I do Registration Myself?
Yes, you can! however, processing the BPOM license must pass various evaluations and verifications which take quite a long time. It takes extra patience to get a distribution license.

I am Impatien
I Don't Want To Do Troublesome with BPOM Things
Don’t worry, we are ready to help you to take care of registering any product you want to put in market. Contact us for assistance!
For Information and Details

- ID: danrojan
- dani@fsindo.com
- +62 812 1228 6538
- www.fsindo.co.id